The richest moments of life are found when fully engaged in something, lost in the wonder and beauty of an event. Fully present, senses piqued--inundated with sights and scents and sounds--feeling at once
apart from and
a part of everything! Unable to take you to Italy with me I offer these entries for your exploration.
Benvenuto--welcome to
La Traversina, an
agriturismo in the heart of

Our first days were spent at
La Traversina, set in the woods high above a tiny village. The house has been in the same family since 1714. Three foot thick walls, stone floors, wooden doors, shuttered windows thick with ivy, draped in lace the house offers refuge, breathes tranquility.

Trees and arbors are hung with candles, an open invitation to linger in the moonlight. Long after the candles have gone out pots of white impatiens hold the light continuing the dreamy scene.

Through the open door, up green marble steps, sloped and worn soft by three hundred years of footsteps, we are on the left.

The "Blue Room", our sanctuary. We wake early to birds and sunlight. Breakfast with people from the world over, share maps, restaurant suggestions and
itineraries, then head out to explore the surrounding country. We spoil ourselves with massive lunches, long walks, deep discussions and return to
La Traversina for
un buon pisolino--a little nap.

The cares of the world, everyday worries and stress from our busy season lift with every exhalation, drift towards the open window, slip through the lace curtain and disappear.

We regroup and refresh in the courtyard with wine and beer, fruit and cookies. RT reads and thinks in the quiet and I move about the farm painting and sketching. We are healing, repairing, returning to our best selves.
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