Thanks to some very good, albeit strange, friends we just finished the last big job of the year. Last Friday we received the second half of 30,000 tulip bulbs. Our good friends showed up early Saturday morning and we kicked butt.
Kath (super volunteer/employee of the year) and Brenda (good good friend) planted back to back in raised beds, a very good way to become fast friends.
While observing our labors a neighbor once commented that we did "low" work--this is the lowest. It takes hours and hours and many hands to place bulbs in row...
...after row, after row.
We all get a little crazy after a couple of hours in the "trenches".
Then there is the back-breaking job of covering the beds. Shannon, dear insane friend, hauled bag after bag of soil mix. She was unstoppable--well, except for the occasional photo.
It's a big dirty job but after a few months rest we go from this...

to this...
and this!
Now we can truly rest. Thanks again to our dedicated crew.