"Red Cap" parrot tulips, grape hyacinths and "Toyota" tulips |
Buongiorno! Being in the greenhouse, especially this week, is an adventure. Like Dorthy opening the door to Oz, stepping into the greenhouse fills the senses with light and color. Outside the winds are roaring, blowing snow and rain horizontally...but inside the greenhouse it's warm, the air is moist and there is beauty all around. I ventured out yesterday to take some photos and did some gleaning. I walked along the rows gathering stray and abandoned flowers to make this gorgeous bouquet. Not bad for left overs!
Cooler shot |
Many of the mid-season tulips are coming into harvest and we have an abundance of color and shape. In the shot above you can see "Orange Queen"--the yellow tulips with an orange lip and two varieties of lily tipped tulips, "Temple of Beauty" is the salmon colored tulip and "Hocus Pocus", the yellow.
Cooler shot featuring "Toyota" tulips |
The sweet pink tulip in the of center in the photo above is "Toyota". It is surrounded by lily tipped tulips and a white tulip that looks yellow until it opens up a bit.
"Happy Generation" tulip, bottom left |
"Happy Generation" tulips are just starting. We fell in love with them last year and are delighted to have them again. This is a lovely traditionally shaped white tulip with red stripes.
"Toyota" tulips surrounded by grape and giant hyacinths |
This photo features "Toyota", the softest pink tulip with a white lip.
"Happy Generation" and "Renown" tulips |
Unidentified shell pink tulip |
I adore this tulip, many of you got these last week. She is a beautiful shell peachy pink tulip with a nice large head. I have not been able to identify it yet because this variety just popped up in a plot identified as something else--farming is so exciting.
"Temple of Beauty" tulip |
The photo above and below are of the same tulip just at different angles. It is "Temple of Beauty". In the first photo I was able to catch the subtle pink tones on the outside of the petals. The photo below highlights the deep coral colors, like high grade sushi salmon. Yum--I could eat this tulip with my eyes.
"Temple of Beauty" tulip |
"Hocus Pocus" tulip--lemon yellow lily tipped |
"Spring Green" tulip--white with lime tongue |
We are harvesting "Spring Green" tulips. This is a creamy white tulip with a lime green sword or tongue on each petal. This flower begins like a closed hand and unfurls as it ripens like an open hand. Unusual and stunning, definitely one of my favorites.
The parrot tulips are blooming and are incredible. We are harvesting three varieties this week--"Professor Rontgen", the orange beauty below, salmon parrots and "Flaming" parrots.
"Professor Rontgen" parrot--deep gold and orange |
"Flaming Parrot" tulip |
Saturday, on the last brilliant day of the week, a group of volunteers from the local high school came to help us clear up the small trees and shrubs. They have been earning money for a trip to Washington DC where they will compete in the "We the People" program. They came for a couple of hours and moved like a machine gathering trimmed twigs, roots and debris from under the crab apple trees, lilacs, dogwood and viburnum.
They helped us clear up over four pick-up loads of stuff. Thank you to Mrs. Kartchner and the kids from "We the People". We wish you the best of luck next month in DC.
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