Monday, January 23, 2012

Panic Meals

Okay, it has not been a great day, work sucked, the kids are cranky, everyone is starving, you are so late getting home and the supper fairy did not leave anything to eat!!

No worries--you open a nice bottle of wine and pour out a good measure, you pour one for your partner too.  Setting out the goat cheese and crackers, some smoked almonds and dried cherries you pour the kids some juice. Taking a deep breath, you restore yourself with a bit of wine and tell everyone to relax, dinner will be ready in less than thirty minutes.

What?!!  You don’t have any wine or goat cheese or smoked almonds or stuff that magically transforms into meals in your pantry!  Oh honey, join me next Monday night and I will give you a shopping list of things you must have in the cupboard and recipes for quick and easy panic meals that you can prepare in under thirty minutes.

Monday, Jan. 30
7 pm.
Meridian Center
$15 per person

To register please email me at

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